Saturday, October 29, 2016

Thoughts for the day

There is a direct correlation between the being that a person becomes and not only the environment but the influence that they had growing up. If you want to devalue a person, you attack what made them the way they are and bring shame to it. Many people will not care about anything unless it has a direct effect on their lives and their family. Music, Art, Entertainment, Sports, Education, Travel, etc. are all things that are important to people yet when these subjects are scrutinized, although its something that they care about they are not going to take action because they don't see that its being attacked.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Follow the Money

Money makes the world go round yet it doesn't justify the actions taken today by most people. Because of it, people will kill their own blood relatives just for that green. In today's society if you don't have the money to live your life, it will be very hard to do the things that you want. Capitalism gives the people that have the necessary resources opportunities they never dreamed of but those without have to struggle and grind until they finally get want they need and even then it won't be enough to make it. Granted, before the invention of the coin, people use to get along fine with bartering and making due with what they had but since its creation things have been going downhill for the world. Hopefully we get to a system that will allow us to go back to that, except the cashless base system will eventually come to be will, in my opinion, be the worse off than the system that is already implanted today.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Like a puppy goes astray, so do we. No matter what point in our lives, we as humans all tend to lose track of who we are and what exactly we need to do. There are very few individuals that bypass this and will go on to do the very thing that they set out to, but that is to say only if they don't lose focus and lose sight of the big picture. We are all subject to failure and success which is determined by our aptitude. The stronger your drive to succeed, the harder/smarter you will work to achieve it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Slow down. We as a society are moving so fast that we don't take the time to really appreciate the beautiful life, wife, and atmosphere that we're living in. Smell the roses once in a while and hang out with your family whenever you get some downtime. If we continue down this road of solitude and cordial relationships, the trust between people will be lost and thee will be no faith in restoring the world to a place that used to be at peace. Granted, this world has never known peace but it has never been this bad to the point that there is almost a civil ware in every country. Learn to listen and create your own observation based on your experience. Once we start communicating again through face to face interactions like we used to, maybe the world will fall back into place and peace will finally score.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Life is a journey that you only through once. Why mess it up by having regrets and doing things that you are not proud of? Why do we needlessly fight to make sure that we are happy when we know that we are doing things that makes us miserable? All of these questions have the same answer. It's so that we can can survive. Survival of the fittest has always been the the prime theme of history and although everything should be done for unity, history shows us that power is what drives those at the top, regardless of how much of it they have. Because of this thirst history has shown that the strong have been destroying the weak for centuries with no end in sight. This has caused a strong divide between not only communities but countries as well and peace is something that can only be seen when you look into the future now. It holds no place in the present.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Awesome Post

Thoughts for the Day Part II

Creativity has been halted due to the control of what is displayed and shown to the public eye through entertainment and it has even stretched as far as the news. News Casters are believed to be the one's searching for the truth and giving the people some clarity as to what is happening but it seems that the only thing that the execs for these news channels care about is ratings because the more ratings they get, the more money they will make so any news that has some sort of drama or violence will be the first one cast and all other news stories will be shown later or maybe not shown at all. What's understandable is that they have a short amount of time to give every piece of information but even then thats an excuse because they will display the same information 2, 3 or even 6 hours later. There are even newes channels that run all day like msnbc or foxnews that have 24hrs to talk about everything that they need, yet it still seems as though there is still not enough time. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thoughts for the Day Part I

There is this unjustifiable truth that we as humans all seem to deny at this moment in time in history. That the world is changing and there are things or rather people working in the background to create this change. Granted, I am not a conspiracy theorist and everything that will be stated is purely my opinion based on my experiences. With the major developments in social media, alot of events and movements are coming to light which would not have developed if not only this country but the world had security and unity. What I mean is, Police brutality is being shown at an all time high in the United States dividing a nation even more that is already divided, There are multiple wars not only from country to country but civil wars inside the countries that are tearing the countries apart. Big Business have grown to a point that no matter what they do, they will receive no backlash or punishment and the citizens that they hurt will receive no compensation for damages. All around the world the are jobs that are being created but equally jobs that are being lost.



Dress for comfort nothing else, don't be the same as everyone else be unique, no matter what creativity will not die! Support each other not these big business that make millions of dollars of us #WidsomForTheWeek #LivePrestige #Lp #PNN #LpStudios 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Thoughts of Old

Ideas pop in and leave the mind stranded, far from where it needs to be. Daydreaming becomes a habit too often ignored when in reality it needs to be touched upon. Distractions leave things undone and procrastination begins to unfold. Too many times this is the daily mood or happenstance just because we have no control over what occurs during the day when in reality we do. We as humans get absorbed in our mind aka our own little world, ignorant of the world around us in all its occurrence. Granted no one seems to care, we move on as if that is the norm but truthfully its not. How can you ignore everything around you just to justify your own happiness when there are those around you not able to feel even a slither of what you have? Aren't we made on this earth to love one another and take care of each other. Where along the lines of history did we get lost? How can we return to the way things were? When not everything was dependent on your value and how much you made. If by chance we can get back to this form of unity, maybe then the world will finally be at peace, maybe then I can wake up not angry to face the day and emit a joy to others that only Love can provide.