Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Thoughts of Old

Ideas pop in and leave the mind stranded, far from where it needs to be. Daydreaming becomes a habit too often ignored when in reality it needs to be touched upon. Distractions leave things undone and procrastination begins to unfold. Too many times this is the daily mood or happenstance just because we have no control over what occurs during the day when in reality we do. We as humans get absorbed in our mind aka our own little world, ignorant of the world around us in all its occurrence. Granted no one seems to care, we move on as if that is the norm but truthfully its not. How can you ignore everything around you just to justify your own happiness when there are those around you not able to feel even a slither of what you have? Aren't we made on this earth to love one another and take care of each other. Where along the lines of history did we get lost? How can we return to the way things were? When not everything was dependent on your value and how much you made. If by chance we can get back to this form of unity, maybe then the world will finally be at peace, maybe then I can wake up not angry to face the day and emit a joy to others that only Love can provide.

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